In the end can humans defeat thunder?



As a few characters of my roster are considered deranged and vicious this blog contains heavy triggering topics such as violence, torture, gore, body mutilation, psychological and physical abuse, dub-con (sometimes non-con), death... All kind of triggers are TAGGED, and problematic threads are private. Do not follow if you are sensitive to dark content.
Mun ≠ Muses, writing problematic content doesn't mean I approve any of them.


001 Hi, I'm miho! I'm 25+ and my pronouns are she/they. I love exploring all kind of topics and create stories to have fun. For your own internet experience, my blog applies a "user's discretion policy".
002 As I write mature content, I make sure to tag everything I find triggering (cw: blood, cw: torture) etc... There will be some NSFW topics popping sometimes, though, NSFW is not the purpose of my blog and not what I look for in general.
003 I'm in Europe (GTM+1) and I have a full time job. My activity is sporadic, and I require people to be patient with me. I answer threads/asks/DM when I can/want.
004 I'm highly selective and I only accept asks, threads and interactions from mutuals. Since this blog contains mature content, I won’t follow minors or people who hides their age and might be below 21. I also strictly follow RP blogs only. Please don’t interact with my posts if we are not mutuals.
005 As I'm not always present, it can takes some time before I follow back someone (I usually go through their entire blog) so I just ask for your patience on that matter. That being said, if you follow me first, I will expect you to come DM me first as well.
006 In terms of writing, no godmoding, metagame, whatever kind of stuff that pisses off everyone. Mutuals, please answer our threads whenever you want! Inspiration strikes when it should, so no pressure, as long as you don’t pressure me in return to follow a schedule!
007 I'm definitely OC centered and quite eager to create! I love to add new AU and verses, don't be shy and let's start something new together!
008 I find myself more comfortable with plotted threads rather than spontaneous ones, which are alas often dropped at some point. Though, I can indulge a few interactions without plotting before.
009 Due to my activity, I prioritize threads, interactions and plotted relationships depending on my inspiration. My attention is also sporadic, and it can take a few weeks to sometimes get back to the thread we have together. I don't want to feel pressured to answer something; I'll get to it when I feel like it, and same for you. If you’re cool with it, then we’re going to have plenty of fun!
010 All my muses from my mafia lore are connected together and would react to a situation depending on their bonds and their stories within this universe. Therefore, I will need a good amount of plotting for these verses, and I expect my mutuals to respect the fact that some developments might be more difficult to reach because of the existing connections.
011 I love shipping in MANY ways! All my potential ships are clearly seperated and happening in different universes (no interconnections). Chemistry is the rule when it comes to romance (and not all my muses are interested in that), so patience is required. Multiship is truly encouraged (friends, enemies, platonic and many others!). Also, having a tag from me doesn't mean our muses are involved romantically.
012 I reserve myself the right to stop any of my ships whenever I want. It applies to you as well, you don’t want to ship anymore? I’m 100% okay with it! I will always respect your wishes and decisions.
013 Inactive ships (more than 6 months without interacting together) are put on hold and no longer visible in my muses' relationships section. If you want to check on me and see what we can do about it, you're more than welcome!
014 I’m very chill and understanding, but don’t push your luck. Any toxic behavior toward me (vaguing, call out, possessiveness, guilty trips...) would be kindly treated through an instant hard block. Hard blocks are forever on my side.
015 As anyone, I have boundaries. To cure my own internet experience, it might happen that I softblock or hardblock people to keep a clean dash. If I really need to list what push me to do that, I'm sensitive to drama and call out, NSFW spam posts or constant negativity. I won't keep these blogs around and once I feel uncomfortable, the line is crossed for me, and I don't give warnings. I have honestly no time for that or to explain that everyone is free to have their preferences when it comes to an online experience.
016 If you ever feel uncomfortable with my content, I don't mind being blocked or softblocked. I never take it personally and life is life. Tumblr is a hobby. Don't worry about me ;)





Name: Unknown
Age: in his thirties (unknown)
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual - Demiromantic
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Hair color: Dirty Blond
Eyes color: Brown and golden
Skin color: Medium Fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian - ???
Height: 183cm (6'1)
Birthday: February 1st
Personality: scheming, devious, intelligent, fastidious, polite, organized, sociable, deceiving
Attitude: Well mannered, polite, calm, quiet, mysterious, controlled
Faceclaim: Dr. Han from Love Me Doctor


Astra, his real name unknown for a proper immersion of the readers, is currently the leader and boss of one of the most active mafia downtown, the Cleaners, a infamous group well-known for its control over the drug business, brokerage and weapons import/export. After a troublesome past with money and gambling issues, despite his brilliant path as a student for the astronomy academy, Astra entered the mob to repay his debts, and made his way to the top of the ladder of the revoked Lenio Family. Over the years, he managed to manipulate half of its members to create his own organization and took control over their already existent territory. Since then, Astra, always organized and too fastidious, has never been seen by any of the members of his organization except the top three commandants who are in charge of the three branches of his association priorly mentioned. Discreet, Astra is hiding under the identity of an astronomy teacher for a small university, he’s leading the actions of his gang from a far distance, supervising his next moves with the approach of a chess player. He only intervenes whenever he believes there’s no choice and he has to put pressure upon his members, the few rendez-vous he’d allowed making sure that they would be unable to see his face and identify him. Astra, though, openly participates in important meetings with other mafia bosses, just in case things would be out of control and he has to prove his capacity to be a ruthless boss.


Astra, on a daily basis, could be perceived as someone sociable but rather introverted. He’s discreet by nature, mannered and doesn’t like to bring too much attention to himself. He’s patient, somewhat kind with people approaching him, even if he’s always drawing a clear line and doesn’t get involved too much, even more when these individuals have nothing to do with his principal and hidden mafia activity. Astra, though, is deep down a very calculating individual. There’s almost zero genuine feelings whenever he’s directly approaching someone for his business; he believes the world is a chess game and he’s leading his paws to accomplish his desires, appealed by power. He’s not fundamentally opposed to getting close to someone, but this person would probably be seen as a threat at some point, as Astra prefers to remain under the radar most of the time. Since he was a child, he also suffers from compulsive behaviors regarding cleanliness, hence the name of his gang, the Cleaners, and often has anxiety issues if he ever stays for too long somewhere he doesn’t believe to be clean. Persnickety, Astra prefers to stay away from his gang’s activities, even if he keeps a thorough eye on whatever they are doing, creating a rather mysterious aura around his identity. He can show a rather cruel side whenever he wishes to punish someone who’s not following his orders (the Cleaners can’t do drugs for example), keen to let them be tortured and killed for the sake of his ego. However, Astra has never seen a man dying in front of his eyes, he’s repulsed by the idea of getting soiled and always counts on his commandants to do the job.


MAIN VERSE - A NEBULA OF MASKS / Astra doesn't hide his identity. He presents himself as the leader of the Cleaners and participates actively to the expansion of his mafia. A man of power, ambition, deceiving and dangerous.MAIN VERSE UNDERCOVER - KILLER QUEEN / Hiding under his fake identity of Anthony Queen, Astra evolves as an astronomy professor for a small university. He uses this identity to deceive and manipulate people outside of the mafia, or directly within, without them to know his true self.PAST VERSE - BEFORE THE BIG BANG / In his twenties, Astra is a complicated student. He loves to scam old women to earn money from them, struggling with a very intense gambling addiction. He's in debt with the Lenio Family and needs to pay them back for the money he borrowed from them.


Autumn - @kissmeau | profound love interest, bond of trust, power couple
⌇sweet like the honey of my deceptions ( 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖 / 𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙢𝙣 )
K'in - @sovereignxfae | manipulation, toy-owner relationship, tutoring, toxic
⌇twisted ambitions and patronage ( 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖 / 𝙆'𝙞𝙣 )
Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 | will to manipulate, cat and mouse game, common interests
⌇a taste of your revenge upon my blade ( 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )
Han - @mugunghwc | games in the shadows, lies, powerplay
⌇the great masquerade of two snakes ( 𝘼𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖 / 𝙃𝙖𝙣 )



Name: Ezra Collins
Age: 40 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair color: Grey-Blond
Eyes color: Dark Green
Height: 175cm (5'8.9)
Skin color: Medium fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Belgian American
Birthday: March 12th
Personality: quiet, smart, maniac, introvert, lunatic, obsessed, polite, educated, fickle
Attitude: casual, awkward, introvert, old fashioned, introvert
Faceclaim: Si-eon, Love For Sale


Born in Belgium from an American father and a Polish mother, Ezra Collins immigrated very early in the United States. His father was a financial prodigee, a trader from Wall Street who had transmitted the passion of figures to his son. Ezra had always adored the world around money, quite good from a young age with mathematics, economy and accounting. He was a solitary boy who was living in his own little world, well too unbothered by what could happen, as long as he would fulfill his dream and become a trader himself. However, due to a tragic accident he was partly responsible of, both of his parents had died before he could enter university. Too much of an introvert, and not really used to expressing his emotions, Ezra wandered around in different bars, and slowly became the acquaintance of a few members of the Lenio Family who were struggling with financial issues. Known as a young smart dude who could solve a lot of money issues, he had been presented and accepted within the Family, helping them with money laundry and brokerage attempts, even if, for Ezra, their goal was a little bit low. After almost ten years working for the family, Ezra had been truly admirative of Astra. They were probably the closest together, good friends, and soon enough, Ezra embraced Astra’s dream to become the head of a mafia business.
Today, Ezra, under the name of Gambit, is responsible for the brokerage and money laundry branch for the Cleaners. Slightly shambled with the events of his life, he’s also perceived as a lunatic who has a hard time controlling his nerves when he senses that he’s in danger.


Ezra appears as someone not memorable, quiet and calm, definitely an introvert. He’s not known to put a deep impression on people, and you can find him reading or playing Sudoku during his free time. He only works for the Cleaners, excelling on money laundering and brokerage, but he will always present himself as a simple accountant. Ezra appreciates simple things in life, he looks like someone who doesn’t have any trouble, he pays his bills on time, he lives in a cozy place, he only drinks reasonably. He’s educated, almost scholarly, but he doesn’t really know how to behave socially, and he prefers to spend his time either alone, or with people he tends to appreciate. He’s a hopeless romantic, falling directly in the edge of a troubled yandere man whenever he’s having his head over heels for someone.
However, beneath his tranquil nature, Ezra is a man with many obsessions. He suffers from a few OCDs and will develop a very paranoid side under stress, a true lunatic when things are not under control anymore. Ezra is also showing a very confident and brutal personality whenever he’s doing his job for the Cleaners - he can be even ruthless, arrogant, exposing an egocentric self which clearly decifers with his usual nature. Stubborn and dedicated, he can spend hours just to be certain he will seal the best deal possible.


MAIN MODERN VERSE: THE BROKERAGE PRODIGY / Working under Astra as one of the commanders of the Cleaners, Ezra is known to be the true Brokerage Prodigee. Fascinated by figures, he's pushing the Cleaners to expand their gang capacities through his impressive brokerage skills.ALTERNATE VERSE: PATIENT 34-KO-889 / Patient 34-KO-889, the former and fallen Gambit, a master of brokerage and money laundering. A stressful life that led him to lose his mind for good. Admitted in the Psychiatric Unit of the XXX Hospital for his mental issues, Ezra tries to recover, courted by the FBI and the police to sell his secret regarding the mafia gangs downtown.


Maxim - @nvrcmplt | murder boyfriends, crazy needs, obsession
⌇a cash machine of blood and bones ( 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙩 / 𝙈𝙖𝙭𝙞𝙢 )
Ghost - @aurorxaeternitatis | soft obsession, very gray moral, living with your kidnapper
⌇five million reasons for my obsession ( 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙞𝙩 / 𝙂𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩 )



Age: 33 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual - Gay closeted
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hair color: Black
Eyes color: Ocean Blue
Height: 200cm (6'6)
Skin color: Fair, slightly pale
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Scottish
Birthday: April 25th
Personality: distant, introvert, mistrustful, intelligent, hot-blooded, patient, loyal
Attitude: reserved, quiet, introvert, composed, stoic
Faceclaim: Woo-Yeon from Love History Caused By Willful Negligence


Born in a rather poor neighborhood, Mads’ childhood was utterly complicated. His father, Elys, was a disturbed man who couldn't control his violence, beating up his wife and children each time he drank too much. Quite rebellious himself and hot-blooded, Mads radically changed when his mother died under the punches of his father, opening a deep wound within him. Appealed by the Navy and the army in general, he enrolled himself the day of his majority, running away from his home, and somehow protecting himself from turning like his father. Alas for him, after seven years of duty, and numerous medals to reward his braveness and his smart decisions, Mads was severely injured during a critical fight, and lost his leg because of that. Unable to remain a soldier on the field, he left the army with a generous amount of money, but was deeply traumatized after losing so many people in front of his eyes. Developing a rather concerning and violent form of PTSD, Mads also studied in order to change his career, and became a lawyer specialized in financial frauds and money laundering. Perceived as a shark in his profession, Mads built a strong reputation around his name, collecting new enemies among the mafia world. Yet, his main purpose remains to protect his little brother, who seems to be able to accept anything in quest of money, even shady jobs.


Mads can be first seen as someone utterly cold, distant, and mysterious. He’s refined, scholar, and have a great interest in various areas, such as strategy technics, chess, martial arts and blade fights. He’s not very talkative with strangers and has a hard time opening himself up, often withdrawn into himself, a way to protect his loved ones from his former temperament. He’s most of the time calm, wise, and will make sure to take the best decisions without letting his heart speaking for himself. Mads protects himself from his own demons, quite aware of the radical violent nature of his soul ; even more than his brother, he wouldn’t hesitate to severely harm someone if he has too. Unlike his brother, Mads doesn’t seek for any kind of bonding with anyone, and will prefer a lonely existence.Even so, Mads, under his shield can be utterly loyal and devoted, just like his brother, having a natural and extreme kindness, tenderness for the people he respects. Rare are his smiles, but all of them are coming from his damaged heart. He’s a tired soul and will have a logical approach in any circumstance.


MAIN MODERN VERSE: BROKEN SOLDIER / After his years serving in the Navy, Mads is now evolving in large lawyers company, withdrawn into his work and fighting his own demons.HISTORICAL VERSE: THE CIRCLE OF LIFE AND DEATH CONTINUES / Born in a military Scottish family, Mads had been raised by a strict and violent father. If he was supposed to follow the path his father had created for him, and joined the Army as his old man had always wished, events had pushed Mads to follow another life.1950 ART THIEF VERSE: THE EMBLEM OF THE ROOK / Mads Campbell, 1950, policeman, ex WWII soldier... And the son of Deus, the most proficient and dangerous art thief in the United States.WWII SOLDIER VERSE: JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE NIGHT / private verse with @cantuscorviCELLO PRODIGY AU: STRINGS OF FATE: / Traumatized by a near-death experience, Mads coped it through music therapy. Today, he became a prodigy, performing with the national orchestra while he still has trouble voicing out his fear and demons.


Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 | deep love interest, untold emotions, wish a protection, profound trust
⌇he’s the angel of small death ( 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙨 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )
Raum - @cantuscorvi | rivals to lovers, yearning, untold wishes, forbidden attraction
⌇the requiem of the crow and the eagle ( 𝙈𝙖𝙙𝙨 / 𝙍𝙖𝙪𝙢 )



Age: 655 years old
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair color: Red
Eyes: Golden - Amber
Height: 175cm (5'9)
Skin color: Fair, reddish
Ethnicity: ????
Birthday: March 4th
Abilities: Heart Listener - Granting wishes - Teleportation
Personality: cunning, mischievous, smart, manipulative, friendly, tactile, arrogant, lazy
Attitude: Extrovert, rude, self-assured, fabulous, extravagant
Faceclaim: Ho-in from Lucky Paradise


655 years ago, Emhyr, a fox god, fell in love with a human princess a few weeks before her wedding. From their forbidden union was born the illegitimate fruit of their love, a demi-god named Marlo, who was immediately banished to the Holy Land while his mother knew a bitter end, beheaded for her betrayal and the war she brought to her country. Marlo wasn’t immortal but could live enough to be considered as one. He shared the power of his almighty father, and discovered it at the age of 16 years old. He could grant any wish to any being who would ask the rightful question, however, every time Marlo was offering such a gift, every time he was shortening his own life by a year. Growing wise and cunning, the demi-god didn’t have the authorization to leave the Holy Land, watching the pure-blooded Gods traveling in the human realm to perform miracles or commit mischief. They didn’t have any bond with humanity, nor did they have to force them to worship them, but it was simply fun for them to push their destinies in various directions.
Marlo, a few hundred years later, was way too bored to remain in the Holy Land. He trained enough to maintain his human form, at first for a few hours, then for a few days or weeks, and went against the orders he had received when he was younger. Soon enough, Marlo had been traveling all over the world, appearing in different timelines of humanity, eager to discover his new playground. Through his wise and dangerous enigmas, he often tricked people or eased their fate, depending on his mood and his entertainment.


Marlo is a warm, cunning and mischievous individual. Quite lazy, he only follows his own agenda but remains a people pleaser in the end, even if he’s seen and considered as a real trickster. Curious, he’s eager to befriend any new people he meets, even if it means he’s becoming utterly clingy and rude, yet not from his perspective. Arrogant, Marlo is aware of his beauty and power, and knows he can easily manipulate people, especially humans. However, he’s the kind of personality to get easily attached and might honestly experience a strong abandonment syndrome whenever someone turns him down or seems busy without him. He would hate to become a burden, but he naturally gets one for people who require a certain distance.
If Marlo is someone who shouldn’t be trusted due to his tendencies to always trick people, he’s utterly devoted and loyal to the persons he considers as friends, or closer. After all, his abilities to listen to people's hearts allow him to know when someone is genuine or not with him, giving him a good enough perception (but not always 100% true) of people's intentions towards him. His sporadic energy and his incapacity to focus tends to be bothersome, but he’s also very tactile, friendly and cuddly and wouldn’t miss the occasion to share a good and warm embrace with anyone he finds respectable. He’s a big softie when he loves someone, but he’s often acting like a total troublemaker.


MAIN VERSE: GRANTING YOUR WISH / Traveling in the Human Realm, Marlo is looking forward to trick and play with people. He often has to travel back to the Holy Land whenever he's turning too much into a fox (aka ears, tails, dark nose...), but he would always come back to commit his mischief.HISTORICAL VERSE: A SASSY COMEDY / In various historical eras, Marlo appears as a night performer named Kitsune, a graceful dancer who mysteriously disappears before the end of the show. Marlo evolves in the theatre world, expressing his art and skills through dances, songs and other acrobatic performances. A bit of a Robin Hood, he loves to trick the rich to give to the poors, giving justice to those who can't get an enjoyable life. Whether he'd be a ghost, a creature of the night, a god... No one knows Marlo's true identity.


Akku - @nvrcmplt | physical attraction, profound affectionate dependency, immortal kindship
⌇for the wet promises of your latex skin ( 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙤 / 𝘼𝙠𝙠𝙪 )
Kerberos - @nvrcmplt| friendship, affectionate shenanigans, petty feelings, rivalry
⌇love bites under the moonlight ( 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙤 / 𝙆𝙚𝙧𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙨 )
Hibiko - @royaletiquette | skinny crush, childish expectations, friendship with more, shenanigans
⌇a disastrous royal affair ( 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙡𝙤 / 𝙃𝙞𝙗𝙞𝙠𝙤 )



Age: 28 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Hair: Copper
Eyes: Light Blue
Height: 198cm (6'5)
Skin color: Extremely fair, freckled
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Scottish
Birthday: December 1st
Personality: friendly, naive, caring, carefree, secretive, hot-blooded
Faceclaim: Hojun from The Good Teacher


Born in a rather poor neighborhood, Mika didn’t really remember the events of his childhood - he only recalled how his brother was protective with him, and sometimes, he had flashes about his mother and his violent father. Quite unhappy with the school system, and cruelly in need of money, Mika is a dropout who abandoned high school to work and earn some money in order to help his brother. More into physical jobs rather than intellectual ones, Mika could also count of his favorite hobby to keep himself in shape and stay positive in life. He had always been good with martial arts and quickly became the most passionate and skilled student of his dojo. Through his practice Muay Thai, Mika had been able to win a lot of championships around the country. Yet, still uneducated and too pride to ask for help, he is still struggling with money. Behind the back of both his coach and his brother, Mika often accepts to fight in underground matches in order to gain a bit of money.


Mika is someone solar, deeply and genuinely kind, understanding, but also quite carefree and definitely hot-blooded and violent if someone tease him too much. Always helpful, almost ridiculously loyal sometimes, he would never hesitate to give a hand whenever someone is asking for it, without expecting something in return, spontaneous in his way of thinking. Mika is also reputed to be a seducer, and has always been quite aware of the power of his charm. However, despite his reputation, Mika has never really wanted to use his charms on anybody, and couldn’t be able to fully commit into any of his relationship, unfortunately deeply hurt by the loss of his mother and the very fact that he’s afraid to bond with anyone in the first place. Mika hides it perfectly, but he’s always firstly concerned and anxious that his brother would keep withdrawing into himself, using his goofy and solar nature to cheer him up, and then the people around, whenever the weight of the past is too heavy to handle.If Mika will always appear as someone positive and optimistic, he’s deeply harassed by the numerous doubts of his own legitimacy and the fact that his principle mission would always be to look after Mads. Mika needs to open-up on his deepest feelings, but he has never found the courage to open that door on the past events of his life.


MAIN MODERN VERSE: THERE'S ALWAYS ANOTHER FIGHT / Mika, an underground fighter, MMA and Muay Thai championship, gets himself into trouble when he begins to fight for the mafia...


Nikolai - @aurorxaesternatis | unbalanced, violent passion, flavors of toxicity, manipulation, physical interest
⌇the desired fallout of a successful investment ( 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙖 / 𝙉𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 )
Tyler - @nvrcmplt | neighbor, softcore emotions, gentle interest, drinking buddies
⌇sweet like the gentle gleam of the candlelights ( 𝙈𝙞𝙠𝙖 / 𝙏𝙮𝙡𝙚𝙧 )



Age: 26 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Hair color: Blue (tainted)
Eyes color: Light Brown
Height: 172cm (5'8)
Skin color: Olive
Ethnicity: Caucasian - British & old Lebanese origins
Birthday: August 31st
Particularity: Congenital insensitivity to pain
Personality: sassy, kind-hearted, coward, resourceful, positive, flirtatious
Attitude: Confident, friendly, slightly flirtatious, graceful
Faceclaim: Yi-hyeok - Stranger than Friends


Oliver was born in a very wealthy family, surrounded by what he believed to be lovable parents, along with his two sisters. Despite his congenital insensitivity to pain, and the few accidents he had during his very young years, he was able to live an entirely normal and somewhat happy childhood with his family. For a very long time, Oliver thought that his life would be eventless, somehow already fated. He was ready to follow his already delimited path, but things have radically changed during his teenagehood. Oliver, who had always been a good child, slowly understood that he was different and not on a medical level. He had been able to keep that secret for a long time, however, his attraction for the same gender had grown over the years, to the point that it had led him to a high frustration on his side. When Oliver was caught with his first lover, the family pastor, the sentence had been immediate: he had been casted away and revoked from the King Family at the age of 16 years old.
Starving, alone, he had been caught red-handed stealing in a convenience store, then physically tortured by the Cleaners due to a rather big misunderstanding, the subordinates of the cartel thinking that he was in fact selling drugs in their territory. Now aware of his incapacity to sense pain, he caught the attention of Astra, who faked an act of genuine apologies and financial compensation in order to trap Oliver for good. At the age of 18 years old, Oliver discovered that he was in debts with the Cleaners and had to pay back for everything they had offered for two years (an apartment, his dance school fees, food, parties...). Incapable of giving them such a high amount of money, he was forced to become an escort, Astra using his body and his particularity to please very cruel clients in order to settle businesses.


Positive in general, Oliver is definitely a cunning and resourceful individual. Because he had been kicked out, he was able to land on his feet and survive, so he always has thousands of ideas to make his life comfortable and see the bright side. Oliver is the kind of person who seems pretty approachable and kind, funny and light-hearted, but it’s definitely a façade he masters perfectly. It’s rare to know him in depth, Oliver always manages to skip the conversation and eludes it, because he doesn’t wish to talk about his life. He’s not unhappy with what happened to him, but he believes it’s not a topic people wish to know, and he clearly doesn’t seek their pity.
Comfortable with both his body and personality, Oliver might be perceived as a natural seducer with very smooth talking, however, he’s not actively trying to charm people in the first place. He’s genuine whenever he meets someone new and wishes to know them better, yet, as soon as he would assume that it might be too dangerous for him, he could put his distances if need be. Passionate with ballets, Oliver is a true creative artist who loves to use his hands and body to dance whenever he can.


MODERN MAIN VERSE: UNDER THE RED LIGHTS / Oliver evolves as a sex worker for the local cartel. During the day, he attends a dance school and tries to earn little contracts here and there to perform. At night, Oliver is a professional escort boy for the mob.


Raum - @cantuscorvi | childhood friends, profound love interest, obsession, co-dependency, will of destruction
⌇aftertaste of a lost home ( 𝙊𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧 / 𝙍𝙖𝙪𝙢 )
Tzvult - @nvrcmplt | client-escort dynamic, forbidden hope and trust, gentle taming
⌇another dance deep in the abysses ( 𝙊𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧 / 𝙏𝙯𝙫𝙪𝙡𝙩 )



Name: Kaizen Voloroff
Age: 36 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Unlabelled (preference for women)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Hair color: Light Brown
Eyes color: Chestnut
Height: 186cm (6'1)
Skin color: Fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Swedish
Birthday: January 13th
Personality: smart, irritable, organized, quiet, grumpy, loyal, sadistic, generous, protective, blunt
Attitude: casual, dead pan face, imposant, brutal
Faceclaim: Yeon-Woo, The Black Mirror


Born in Sweden, Kaizen Voloroff aka Requiem was raised by his grandmother until he was 17 years old, before he had committed his first crime, a stupid robbery turning wrong. In order to avoid prison, and protected by European Law, Kaizen had been able to join the French Foreign Legion, well-known to enlist criminals and foreigners to serve in various fields and war zones around the globe, as long as they would behave and be an active member of the French Army. Incredibly good with weapons, appreciated by his superiors for his sniping skills but not his temper, Kaizen had eventually ran away from the army during a special training in French Guiana, appealed by the idea of getting rich from the gold and weapons traffic in the region. Since then, he had managed to survive through various jobs linked to different illegal organizations, until he had been caught by the Lenio Family at the age of 25 years old. Recognized for his talent, Kaizen was immediately supported by the Family, until he was placed directly under the ancient chief of the guns section, in charge of the weapons importation for the mafia. For six years, Kaizen had learnt all the tricks from the Lenios, helping another rising star to become the next chief of the section (Zeffy Heilm, aka Lady Plum). However, frustrated to be placed in the shadows and underestimated because of his past criminal record, Kaizen had schemed with Astra to help him to gain the throne.
Today, Kaizen, presented under the name of Requiem, leads the weapons importation with an iron hand, quite known for being a rather cruel and overly dangerous individual.


Requiem is a quiet man who hates to have his day disturbed by unhappy events. He grunts and hums, and rarely bothers saying a full sentence if he can avoid it. Born to be a night bird, he prefers to spend his days sleeping or hanging out with the numerous hookers and other lovers he collects, becoming quite another person when things need to be done for his boss. Loyal to death, brutal and irritable, it’s best to never mess with someone who has such a short-temper in general. Requiem wouldn’t kill for fun, but the slightest upsetting thing could lead him to lose control. He appreciates practicing various sports, loves to swim every day, keeps his body in shape, and relax whenever he can. Requiem is also a traveler, and his rooftop apartment is actually full of souvenirs from the different places he knows (oh, and lots of guns too).
Requiem is the kind of person who doesn’t really give two cents about the people gravitating around him, unless he decides to give them a certain importance (which happens rarely). Nothing is personal with him, he doesn't hold grudges either. He doesn’t have many friends, and the few he really likes to hang out with barely knows his personality. He can be perceived as a man with habits: same kind of shirts, same cologne, same haircut for years. Yet, Requiem only thinks that these things are trivial - the real purpose of his life is to live fully and the way he wants. He only wishes to end his life on a beach, with a bitch.


MAIN MODERN VERSE: A BALLET OF BULLETS / Working as one of the three commanders of Astra’s gang, the Cleaners, Requiem is living his best life as a mafia criminal. In charge of the weapons branch, he’s performing in his area.MODERN VERSE ALTERNATIVE: GOLDEN MONEY BOY / Loyalty? What’s that? You pay him, and he’ll do the job. Whether it’s shady or not, Requiem is only here for his greed. The more you align the dollars on the table, and the more he’ll do work for you. He wants to remain the best employee reward each month.


Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 sexual dependency, powerplay, toxic, manipulative
⌇folie à deux ( 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙢 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )
Kenta - @nvrcmplt | shared interests, shared curiosity
⌇swinging at the edge of the void ( 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙢 / 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖 )
Jeoh - @tigermcth | mind games, physical attraction, rivalry
⌇like a moth to a flame ( 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙢 / 𝙅𝙚𝙤𝙝 )
Sullivan - @tximidity | ownership, toxic, manipulative, abuser-abused dynamic
⌇innocence wrapped around the sins of his fingers ( 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙢 / 𝙎𝙪𝙡𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙣 )
Ji-Eun - @mugunghwc | partnership, common interests, dangerous murderous duet
⌇a killing paradise ( 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙢 / 𝙅𝙞-𝙚𝙪𝙣 )
Konrad - @investigaticns | carnal attraction, made of lies, partners in mischief, friends with benefits
⌇prepare for trouble and make it double ( 𝙍𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙚𝙢 / 𝙆𝙤𝙣𝙧𝙖𝙙 )



Name: Felix Yoon
Age: 33 years old
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Whoever he wants
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Hair color: Purple (colored)
Eyes color: Black
Height: 183cm (6'1)
Skin color: Fair
Ethnicity: Mixed Asian Caucasian - South Korean & American
Birthday: June 13th
Personality: intelligent, manipulative, fickle, obsessed, paranoid, reckless, cruel, sadistic, fibbing
Attitude: bossy, ambivert, aggressive, mocking, choatic
Faceclaim: Do Seong-Rok - The Pawn's Revenge


Born in the creepiest part of NYC, Vex is the bastard son of a well-known surgeon from a traditional and puritan family, who unfortunately knocked up his awfully young mistress instead of his wife, and who didn’t accept at all his existence. Abandoned by his father, Vex had never been raised by his mother either, the young woman preferring to abandon herself to her life of lust and parties, too young to commit herself to the education of her son. Vex was a lonely child living inside an empty apartment, one day completely abandoned by his mom, but he never thought his childhood had been unhappy. At the age of 8 years old, he met a caseworker, Lila, who was nothing but the most brutal and exigent woman he had ever encountered. He grew quite attached to the woman, and she pushed him to use his real potential, discovering a true intelligence inside his young mind, to the point that Vex had the best grades at school, and even earned a scholarship to become a doctor, a surgery prodigee. He succeeded and graduated, despite his unstable behavior, anchored by Lila who was like a mother to him. Unfortunately, Vex wasn’t aware of her sickness. Before he could do anything about it, Lila was dead from cancer, leaving the boy all by himself once more, his whole world collapsing around him, and this time for good. After the death of the only good person in his life, Vex abandoned everything, and entered an endless spiral of breakdowns, identity and life crisis, and surrounded himself with bad company. Strongly money motivated, his sadistic nature emphasized by a lack of guardians in his life, he started to operate for gangs and illegal organizations, for dark tasks that could grant him a rather comfortable life: torture, organ robbery, sequestration...


Vex is definitely having a lot of mental troubles, undiagnosed, but greatly visible for anyone who spends five minutes with him. He’s a wicked and twisted mind with delirious ideas, overly enthusiastic and excited whenever he has new things to try. He wouldn’t be qualified as utterly violent physically, not really looking to fight most of the time, but he’s keen to humiliate and bash people as soon as he can, his lack of empathy and interest for them demonstrated in his poor social skills and inexistent manners. A bit of a maniac, he can grow utterly obsessed with details and projects, forcing his body to the limits of exhaustion. Not caring, and emotionless, Vex is the kind of person to discuss with someone with a large smile on his face, and suddenly leave in the middle of the conversation, completely bored and already thinking of doing something different. However, there are moments when Vex is a little bit more caring. He feels utterly concerned with sick people around him, showing unexpected gentle and serious sides he rarely exposes. He’s also calm and a good listener if he’s busy building his favorite models, his energy dropping to a normal and regular amount whenever he’s focused on a specific task. Though Vex suffers from heavy PTSD, mental issues and memory loss induced by all his traumatic experiences, and can’t perfectly remember moments like that, whenever he lowers his guard, his brain instinctively protects him from showing anything else but madness and fucked up behaviors.


MODERN MAIN VERSE: RAGING MACHINE / After he quit his doctor profession, Vex is actively looking for various sponsors to keep building his machines and continue his experimentations. Dealing with the local scams, the mobsters, the dealers and the brothel houses, Vex offers his services for various degrading and sadistic tasks. The more Vex works on projects, and the happier he is. If he’s not locked in his office, Vex likes to straddle in town, goes to expositions, museums… and commits crimes, because it’s definitely fun.


Fang - @badheart | atrocious flirting, bad vibes, misery, spitting at each other's face for fun
⌇the wheel of misfortune ( 𝙑𝙚𝙭 / 𝙁𝙖𝙣𝙜 )
Nunnally - @lured-into-wonderland | manipulation, fake family bonding, corrupting someone innocent, will of destruction
⌇bond of nothingness and neurosis ( 𝙑𝙚𝙭 / 𝙉𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 )



Age: 31 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair color: Dark Purple (tainted)
Eyes color: Hazel
Height: 166cm (5'4)
Skin color: Extremely fair
Ethnicity: Mixed Asian Caucasian - Chinese & American
Birthday: October 20th
Personality: hot-blooded, reckless, smart, cunning, distant, wary, solitary, bossy, classy
Attitude: smug, introvert, judgmental, cold
Faceclaim: Jeon Hee-Seong from the Pawn's Revenge


Born in an eventless family, Zeffy lost her parents at a very young age and had been moving from foster families until she was old enough to live on her own. Very independent, Zeffy was aware that her family had been killed because of their connection with the underground world. Unable to abandon the idea of seeking revenge, she decided to become a police officer, finding her place in a very masculine world, despite her delicate and classy appearance. She didn’t mind the harsh training, she was in fact ready to handle it, entering the law enforcement when she was barely 22 years old.
Talented and resourceful, Zeffy even joined the undercover agent division, along with her closest and most trustworthy friend, Elio. Her mission lasted for years, as she proved her talent for the weapons export activity, until she understood that the problem wasn’t coming from the mafia itself, but also the numerous bribed politicians and other cops hiding their connection with the underground trafics. When Elio was killed, Zeffy was pushed back to her investigator division, leaving a rather bitter taste, and the need to take down the ones responsible for her partner’s death.


Zeffy is a hot-blooded woman, with a rather harsh temperament and an easy growing anger, quite incapable of controlling it sometimes. Wary of people and their hidden schemes, she doesn’t trust new encounters and would always have her guard up, even after years and if that person has proven her genuine intentions towards her. Smart, she’s able to pull herself from complicated situations, thinking about her survival first, even if it means she has to hurt people around her. She’s a rather solitary person, but she appreciates that loneliness and doesn’t seek comfort, sometimes hooking up here and there just for the sake of having a normal life. Brutal, she can show a very violent nature whenever she feels cornered, and doesn’t hesitate using her fists and weapons if she feels her freedom threatened.
She’s somehow capable of appreciating people, finding pleasure in watching them moving on, discovering passions, but she’s reserved and wouldn’t get involved too much. Passionate, she can fall for someone very hard, turning her bond with that person into something slightly obsessional and toxic if limits aren’t created right from the beginning. However, betraying her would place a target on their back; Zeffy isn’t the kind of person to forgive, and she can hold grudge for a very, very, very long time.


MAIN MODERN VERSE: THE PAWN'S REVENGE / Years after her undercover mission for the police, Zeffy evolves as an investigator, speciliazed in drug and weapon trafic. Quite dangerous, with a reputation following her back, Zeffy isn't the most appreciated among the cops, and could find ally with former underground contacts. Her main goal is to achieve her revenge: she wants the head of the people responsible of both her parents and partner's death.MODERN VERSE: LADY PLUM / Working under cover, Zeffy is one of the faces of the giant network formed by the Lenio Family, before Astra would betray them in order to create the Cleaners. Known as the "Lady Plum", Zeffy is a ruthless queen of the docks, settling business with the outside world in order to gain new weapons for the Lerio Family.


Alexander - @aurorxaesternatis | rivalry, business interest, physical attraction, power seduction
⌇the call of the void ( 𝙕𝙚𝙛𝙛𝙮 / 𝘼𝙡𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 )
Crocodile - @kingofdesert | profound romance, a bond of trust, power couple
⌇a wind of sand ( 𝙕𝙚𝙛𝙛𝙮 / 𝘾𝙧𝙤𝙘𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙡𝙚 )



Name: Mattia Lenio
Age: 25 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Homosexual
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Hair: Red (tainted)
Eyes: Grey
Height: 185cm (6'0)
Skin color: Olive, slightly tanned
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Italian
Birthday: September 9th
Personality: arrogant, self-assured, petty, chaotic, needy, bratty, fickle, hot-blooded, loyal
Attitude: confident, self-assured, loud, messy, chaotic, energetic
Faceclaim: Cheoh, Love For Sale


For as long as he could remember, Mattia Lenio had always been an active member of the Lenio Family. Growing in the shadow of his overly talented brother, Alessandro, he wanted to become someone in the mafia world, recognized for his smart actions and his capacities to handle situations. Unfortunately, Mattia never found the opportunity to shine. His uncle, who was the active godfather of the Lenio family, only believed that he was a troublemaking kid, uncontrollable, who couldn’t ever raise himself to the upper ranks of the Family. He was not scholar enough to be a decision maker, and he was too much in trouble with the police and the justice system to be a good bait for the future. Yet, Mattia thought that he could prove his values. Growing bitter toward his brother - who was also an addict - Mattia sensed there was an opportunity for him to become someone when Astra joined the family. As he had no form of attachment other than his resentment for the Lenio’s, and despite being one of them since he was born, Mattia didn’t hesitate to betray them when he had the occasion.
Today, Mattia aka Zodiac is one of the top three commanders of the Cleaners. He’s in charge of of drug control and prohibition, known to be utterly cruel and ruthless towards those who would use it or bring it onto the Cleaners’ territories.


Arrogant and self-assured, Mattia might be perceived as someone who’s in fact, lacking confidence. Quite determined to prove his worth in the mafia world, Mattia could show a rather cruel and overly obsessed attitude. Afraid that he might ever be ditched, he has huge insecure issues, but he tends to control them thanks to the help of the man he sees as his big brother, Kaizen, aka Requiem. Thriving inside the mafia world, Mattia can be sometimes chaotic and out of control. He likes to party, to drink and to commit mischief, but since he’s a top commander, he tries to control that side of him. As a closeted gay for years, Mattia feels uncomfortable around men, especially when he tends to like them. He will also present as the man “who’s fucking” people, even if his preferences are entirely reversed.
Under his chaotic and arrogant nature, Mattia is someone rather passionate and very dedicated to his family. He’s a trustworthy member of the Cleaners, but would be utterly violent if he ever finds out that someone betrayed his trust. Generous, he’s the one who would spoil the most of the people working under his commands. Despite his youth, and his chaotic attitude, Mattia proved more than once his capacities to handle tough situations, protecting his subordinates no matter way, as the true risk-taker he is.


MAIN MODERN VERSE: POWDER CONTROL / Zodiac evolves at the top three men of the Cleaners. Respected and feared, he delivers a ruthless war to the drug users around the Cleaner's territories. He also tracks the former members of the Lenio Family, making sure that they wouldn't try to take the control of the gang once more.


Lilu - @nvrcmplt | toxic, destructive, unrequited, abusive in every way possible
⌇his darkest desires swallowed down the throat of your lies ( 𝙕𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙘 / 𝙇𝙞𝙡𝙪 )
Lucien - @conquestar | bond of shy trust, secret interest, secret admiration
⌇golden letters written on my bloody canvas ( 𝙕𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙘 / 𝙇𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙣 )
Jeoh - @tigermcth | petty enemies, impossible trust, grumpy cats fight, fighting energy
⌇until the beaten one goes down ( 𝙕𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙖𝙘 / 𝙅𝙚𝙤𝙝 )



Age: 26 years old
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: True Neutral
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eyes color: Amber
Height: 210cm (6'10)
Skin color: Very tanned, brownish
Ethnicity: Mixed Arabian - ??? (only for his human verse)
Birthday: November 20th
Power: Werewolf curse (verse variation)
Personality: wary, independent, stubborn, violent, loyal, caring, tactile
Attitude: shy, quiet, observant, introvert, jumpy
Faceclaim: Beom - Taming the Tiger


Jovan would love to explain his story to anyone asking, but alas, he carries no memory of it. He only remembers waking up in the hospital bed, unable to formulate a proper sentence, perceived as a threat by the medical staff. His origins are unknown… his identity, completely erased. Today Jovan - who picked his own name - is trying to solve the mystery of his life. A cult survivor, a murderer running away, a soldier who lost his memory… There are dozens of theories running around Jovan’s existence.


Jovan is someone rather ignorant but curious about everything, profoundly kind, yet utterly wary when it comes to new encounters. He doesn’t trust people in general because of his wolf instincts and his everlasting radar regarding folks’ bad intentions towards him. He’s a solitary individual who doesn’t really seek the company of other people, too afraid to meet someone who would wish to harm him. He’s curious enough to keep a conversation with someone, but there would be an urge at some point for Jovan to remain as far as possible, and observing. As a part wolf man, Jovan can have the instincts of an Alpha with someone who will be too authoritarian or violent with him, trying to assert his dominance by using intimidating behaviors, or turning directly into his wolf form to be even more impressive.However, when Jovan manages to bond with someone, he’s often surrendering to his most primal and animalistic instincts. He marks that person as someone of his pack, and would defend and protect them no matter what. Growing slightly clingy, he’s looking for their presence, exposing a way more affective nature, even more when he’s under his wolf form (tail wagging, affective nibbles, different sounds for communication).


MODERN VERSE: SOMEWHERE IN MY MIND / Jovan is a traveler who wants to understand his origins. Looking for any trace of his history around the world, he’s moving to different countries to solve the mystery of his life. Unable to read or spell words, he’s often volunteering to help people in need. Passionate with various forms of arts, Jovan dreams to become a scholaMODERN FANTASY VERSE: THE BLOOD MOON / If Jovan doesn’t carry any memory of his existence it’s only because he has been cursed by a fae a long time ago. Under the spell of the Blood Moon, he can turn into a giant werewolf, sharing his entire identity with the beast living inside of his head. Solitary, Jovan is afraid to expose his secret and, even more, to hurt people.


Connor - @nvrcmplt | friendship, dangerous bond, a will of destruction, secret yearning
⌇the endless story of the hunter and the prey ( 𝙅𝙤𝙫𝙖𝙣 / 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙧 )
Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 | tutoring, feeling human again, gentle seduction
⌇a story told in the ruins of ancient books ( 𝙅𝙤𝙫𝙖𝙣 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )



Age: 21 years old (+400)
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Hair color: Black
Eyes color: Purple (brown before the kiss)
Height: 172cm (5'64)
Skin color: Fair skin
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Prussian
Birthday: June 14th
Particularity: Witchcraft, almost deaf
Personality: genuine, trustworthy, soft, introvert, oblivious, easily tempted, unexpectedly mischievous
Attitude: discreet, introvert, clumsy, lacking assurance, blunt


Born in 1678, Angelyne Blackwood was almost entirely deaf when she saw the world. Angelyne, who was called by everyone Lyne, grew up in a rather poor family of farmers, and was promised to the smith’s soon when she was fifteen. A bit scared to leave her parents too soon, she postponed the wedding for a while. One day, Angelyne helped a young foreign traveler who had fallen from his horse. He was gentle, caring, and extremely good looking. Despite her vows, Angelyne was seduced by the fellow, and one night, she surrendered and gave him one kiss. What she didn’t know was that the man wasn’t one, but the Devil itself, who had coveted the young woman to become one of his numerous brides for a long time.
Kissed by the Devil, a piece of her soul was swallowed by the creature, tainting her soul with the mark of Hell. Angelyne became a black witch, forever haunted by the Devil, until she would become his forever. Immortal, cursed by his paw, she saw her life becoming a living hell. Sentenced to death and thrown into the river with rocks anchored at her ankles, Angelyne escaped her tragic fate and started to wander, desperate to find a way to become God’s child again and to restore her missing soul.


Angelyne's personality changed over time. Deeply and at the beginning, she was a kind and caring woman, slightly oblivious and naive, fervent to help and trust people, but still, she had always preferred a lonely existence. She was raised as a good Christian girl, and surely, she had muffled a lot of her emotions and desires behind a veil of devotion for God. Yet, Angelyne has always been tempted by the pleasures of life. Since always, she has truly envied those who were free to do what they wished, even if she would never speak out what she wanted, at least, during her youth.
Over the years, Angelyne grew tough, more confident, distant, and sometimes detached. Wandering alone on Earth has been an ordeal, and she’s having a hard time trusting people. She doesn’t want them to discover her secret, and she doesn’t want to hurt them either if she ever loses control and surrenders to the Devil. Yet, Angelyne is a determined person. She will remain focused on her goal without giving up.


MAIN FANTASY VERSE: Haunted by his Lips / The black witch Angelyne has been kissed by the Devil. She wishes to end that curse, and she's traveling around the world in order to find a remedy against her despair. In the modern area, Angelyne became a pharmacist. In a medievel area, she's the local herborist.


Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 | yearning, double one-sided crush, untold stories
⌇a secret wish in the darkness of my existence ( 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡𝙮𝙣𝙚 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )
Raum - @cantuscorvi | demonic lies, unbalanced power, beastly mind games, allies and enemies
⌇under your beak lays the beast ( 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡𝙮𝙣𝙚 / 𝙍𝙖𝙪𝙢 )



Age: 47 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eyes color: Black
Height: 188cm (6'2)
Skin Color: Olive, naturally tanned
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Italian
Birthday: July 15th
Particularities: A mafia tattoo covering his entire back with biblical patterns, several gun and blade scars on his body
Personality: blunt, resilient, brutal, lonely, nitpick, reliable, cunning, smart, gloomy
Attitude: imposing, quiet, judgmental, severe, straight in his boots
Faceclaim: Seoho from Swapping


Born in the south part of Sicilia, Gabriele has always wanted to become a policeman, despite growing up in a heavily corrupted neighborhood, which relied on the mafia to survive. For him, despite the "manners" of the mafia and their kind way to take care of the neighborhood, all sense of admiration has immediately and early vanished because of their severe implication in murders, disappearances, extortions and blackmail attempts. Quite determined to prove that he was a better man, Gabriele worked hard and became a police man, entering the antigang division at the age of twenty. Very good on the field, with a temper made to be unshaken, for almost fiftneen years, he worked as an undercover agent for the police. He infiltrated a very deep mafia network, earned their trust, and managed to dismantle the family. However, that operation costed a lot to his reputation, and blood was now covering his name. To protect him from potential retaliation, Gabriele had to leave the country. While he found a new position in the police as an antigang investigator, he started to take a deep interest in the Lenio Family, who was associated to the former gang he had broken up. He witnessed the sudden disappearance of the organization, and the rise of the Cleaners. Obsessed, and despite his problems within the police squad, Gabriele wishes to come after Astra and all the members of this organization.


Gabriele burns with what others perceive as a very cold passion. Distant by nature, he's a workoholic who doesn't stop in front of a hard task and is quite stubborn when needs be, to the point that he was named "The Rabid Dog" by his coworkers, never abandoning his hunt when his eyes were on the target. Dedicated to his goals, and following his own sense of justice, with the years, Gabriele has become a notorious policeman for being hot-blooded, ruthless and capable of the worse things to achieve his mission. Heavily marked by the years he spent within the mafia, he follows its code without even knowing it.
Haunted by what he did for the mafia and the results of the prior investigation against the Sicilian organization, Gabriele suffers from forms of undiagnosed PTSD and a detached personality. He judges very harshly those who are "botching" police enquests, and he prefers to work alone. His personality has led most of his colleagues to be wary of him, but deep down, Gabriele is capable of friendship, attachment and loyalty by following his own agenda and perception of the person.


MAIN VERSE: The Rabid Dog / Evolving as an investigator for the antigang police, Gabriele is daily working against criminal organizations. He often works alone, investigating without sometimes informing his colleagues. Perceived as a mafia spy, Gabriele doesn't have many allies.YOUNG MAFIA VERSE: Days under the murderous sun Gabriele, called the Mute by the Sicilian mafia, is assigned to the protection squad of the upper commandement. Discreet and violent, he's an undercover agent working against the expansion of the mafa organization.BODYGUARD AU: A personal muzzled mutt / Life failed him cruelly. His undercover mission didn't go well and Gabriele lost himself in this supposedly job. Corruption got the best of him, trapping himself in the mafia world, his police career long time gone.


Raum - @cantuscorvi | forbidden attraction, power play, daddy issues, mutual pining, power dynamic, protection
⌇a beat of vulnerability under our indignation ( 𝙂𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙚 / 𝙍𝙖𝙪𝙢 )
Hibiko - @royaletiquette | cat and mouse game, mutual pining, unbalanced relationship, lustful desires
⌇for the sanctuary of her spirit ( 𝙂𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙚 / 𝙃𝙞𝙗𝙞𝙠𝙤 )
Nezumi - @nezumi103221 | untold stories, shared interests, clashing personalities, will of protection
⌇the songbird in the lion’s cage ( 𝙂𝙖𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙡𝙚 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )



Age: 29 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Non labelled
Alignment: True Neutral
Hair color: Dark Brown
Eyes color: Chestnut
Height: 167cm (5'5)
Skin color: Extremely fair
Ethnicity: Mixed Asian Caucasian - South Korean & American
Birthday: November 1st
Personality: stubborn, determined, protective, cunning, sassy, organized, reliable
Attitude: tomboy like, confident, quiet, friendly, precise
Faceclaim: Hana Lee from the Dilettante


Life has never been truly fair for Leta. As the eldest daughter of a mixed race family (half South Korean and half American), she has been forced to take care of many things in the house due to the lack of interest of both her parents and their incapacity to take care of their two children, especially her young brother, who suffers from a mental illness. Ex drug addicts, her parents had lost all their money through hazardous gambling and other illegal activities, dragging the whole family in a state of misery that none of them could escape. As she was a pretty girl, and while her parents couldn’t repay their debts anymore, Leta was sold to the Lenio family and forced to become a prostitute at the age of 15. For three years, she continued to try erasing her parents' debts as long as she could, even if her resentment for both them and the Lenio kept growing over the years.
Eventually, when the Cleaners overpowered the ex-mafia family, Leta negotiated with Astra and the rest of the commanders a sort of freedom. Freed from her prostitute activities, and under the only condition of always accepting missions for the Cleaners, Leta, now called Bastet, operates as a spy or a lethal weapon whenever they need a discreet job to be done. With the money earned, Leta is able to take care of her brother, even if, deep down, she has never truly left the mafia world and its dark codes.


Leta is definitely a character with a strong and intense identity who will stand for her opinions and control her life as much as she needs. She has been through a lot during her entire childhood, and all those experiences have led her to be quite stubborn and determined whenever she believes in something. Enduring in many ways, she has the capacity to adapt to a lot of situations and won’t easily break under pressure. Yet, her prior experience with men and her three years as a prostitute have profoundly marked her. She’s easily spooked by men in general and will definitely be wary around them, hence the fact she prefers keeping a rather discreet life. To not drag too much attention, she will always dress with masculine clothes and avoid crowded places.
She’s utterly protective towards the men and women working in the Red District and will perhaps go too far to assure their safety. She pities them deeply and somehow will always try to defend their interests, suffering from a heavy sense of justice, close from a powerful rage at some point. However, during missions, Leta is totally able to remain focus on her target and will know her priorities when it comes to her interests.


MAIN MAFIA VERSE: GENTLE MALEVOLENCE / Leta aka Bastet lives her life through small and meaningless jobs, mostly to keep her hands busy as she doesn't like when things are quiet. Yet, she knows that she can always earn some money through the missions the mafia will give her, waiting every day for a phone call and a new mission to achieve.


Han- @mugunghwc | target, manipulators, fake seduction
⌇caustic dreams are made of this ( 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙩 / 𝙃𝙖𝙣 )
Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 | one-side manipulation, hurt-comfort, sisterly attention
⌇only bones and promises remain ( 𝘽𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙩 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )



Age: 35 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual with no preferences
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hair color: Light Brown
Eyes color: Blue-Green
Skin color: Fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian - French
Height: 190cm (6'2)
Birthday: July 2nd
Personality: extravagant, arrogant, fickle, self-assured, egocentric, selfish, amusing, provocative
Attitude: Extravagant, imposing, fabulous, loud, mannered
Faceclaim: Dowon from Full Volume


Born in Cannes, located in France, a very famous town for its jet set and movie stars, Diego has always dreamt about fame and glitter. His father being a successful business person in the gin industry, and his mother spoiling him rotten, he has always believed that he was fated to experience the greatest things in life, gifted from an early age with a terrible arrogance, but more importantly, a very beautiful face. Certain that he was capable of conquering Hollywood, he flew to America when he was twenty years old, determined to get movie contracts and fulfill his dreams of becoming a showbusiness star. However, his lack of talent had closed many doors to his face, until he accepted - for money, and well, because he had been flattered this way - to film a few porn movies. After the death of his mother, he suffered from the sudden disappointment of his father, who had hoped for so long for his son to succeed in life, but in the end, had dramatically failed. After all, Diego had turned him down when he could have inherited his father’s business, pretending that selling alcohol to the jet set was nothing but a peasant's work. Penniless, he had taken many jobs to survive, becoming quite a noticeable figure in the casino industry, while he was a well-known croupier, able to entertain clients with his rather extravagant personality.Spotted as a potential asset for the Cleaners (mainly seen as the perfect scapegoat by Astra), he was approached by Gambit after the fall of the Lenio Family. Easily tempted by a generous amount of money and the feeling of power given by the Clears, he has willingly and fully accepted to become the manager of three casino clubs belonging to the organization. Now in his thirties, Diego follows a rather limitless and depraved life, attracting light and attention to his persona.


Diego is definitely the kind of character someone will notice. He’s loud, his presence is remarkable, he does everything to be the center of attention and he doesn’t like it when someone doesn’t notice him. His quite developed and perceptible arrogance can be seen as something truly irritating, but in the end, it’s always a form of strength on his side to succeed and get what he wants. Truly stubborn in whatever he decides to pursue, he can show impressive determination when needs be. Easily tempted by leisure activities, Diego wants to have fun and always entertain himself, his way of life and clothes style definitely revealing his tastes for luxury outfits and objects.Fairly certain that he can seduce (in all ways possible) anyone talking to him, Diego is blinded by his own reflection and his own failures. Incapable of questioning himself regarding his actions, he will follow his own agenda and will be utterly upsetting to anyone trying to guide him. A bullhead with half of a brain, he is still very smart when it comes to social matters and shows his abilities for manipulation whenever he tries to scam someone. Quite a bit of a man-child, Diego has a hard time committing to serious relationships and is surely a very complicated man to hang out with.


MAIN MAFIA VERSE: CROWNED WITH DISENCHANTMENT / He lives and shines under the sun of the Cleaners, as he believes to be the top tier commander of the organization and someone important. Diego is the face of the Nebula, the hidden organization of the Cleanes, the scapegoat they will use if something even happens. As the manager of several casinos, he's mostly a man of the night, and a little gangster for the local jet set.


To be added



Age: 24 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bicurious (male preference)
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Hair color: Honey Blond
Eyes color: Cognac Brown
Skin color: Very Fair
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Dutch
Height: 176cm (5'9)
Birthday: January 10th
Personality: Invasive, bossy, selfish, shallow, crafty, superficial, demanding, deceptive
Attitude: Cute behaviors, giggling, take space, snappy, overeacting, complicated
Faceclaim: Miss Ju from What Does The Fox Say?


Sybille came from a rather modest family, under the name of Carol Huurman (a name that she quickly abandoned in the future). Born in the Netherlands, she left Europe pretty early. The family followed their father who was working for an oil company, specialized in petroleum extraction abroad on platforms, while her mother was a housewife, getting part-time jobs whenever they needed a bit more money. With her mother and her little sister, Anita, she moved to several countries in the Southern part of America, before they eventually went to the US when she was ten years old. In this new country, Sybille felt immediately at ease, appealed by the American culture and their way of life. She watched her father earning more money, and their life all together getting better day after day, thanks to his promotions for the new American company he was working for. However, during her teenage years, Anita, her little sister, was slowly getting the whole attention of the family. While Sybille was average at school, more interested in getting boyfriends, going out to parties, being the prom queen, her sister earned a scholarship to a prestigious university and was praised by her teachers. Full of envy and deeply jealous of her little sister, after an umpteenth idiocy on her side, she decided to leave her home and proved that she could become someone who succeeds.As she was regularly going out to the Amazon Club for parties with her shady friends, Sybille thought that becoming a regular girl offering services to rich clients would be a wonderful idea. Encouraged by her environment, she was very quickly spotted by the Cleaners and earned her place as one of the escorts of the establishment. Unaware that the Cleaners have such a large influence on the city (she only knows about the Amazon Club), Sybille tries to climb the ladder of their organization and wants to become the main attraction and the most important girl of the club.


She’s truly a very complicated woman. Not very well educated and lacking maturity and capacity for self-introspection, Sybille is driven by her emotions. Whenever she craves something, she wants it right here and right now. Absolutely certain that she can be someone important, because everyone can succeed, especially if it's her. She doesn’t care about putting herself in rather shady situations and she doesn’t want to listen to people’s advice, she knows what’s best for her. Even when she wants to get along with someone, she's ruthless and petty if they ever cross her numerous boundaries. Impetuous, she doesn’t understand when something doesn’t work her way; she’s definitely entitled and self-centered and her own needs are always coming first. Despite collecting friends and acquaintances, Sybille struggles keeping healthy relationships with people. She’s quick to push them away whenever she’s not pleased with their behavior, revengeful enough to even give them a hard time, but will be the kind of coward to call them and cry on the phone whenever she feels lonely.Naive, Sybille mostly misses a lot regarding morality and self-respect. She’s ambitious and very zealous, determined when she has a goal in mind. Quite shallow, she’s a pure materialistic girl and truly finds happiness in collecting gifts from her clients. She fakes her interest in people, but not everyone, and loves to get their attention, even from folks she finds disgusting and wouldn’t want to spend time with.


MAIN MAFIA VERSE: DIVINE CHAMPAGNE / Sybille is currently working as an escort for the Cleaners. Obsessed by her own ascension, she does her best to get noticed. She often tends to rich and handsome clients, trying to snatch intel that could be useful for the mafia. She works almost every night at the Club and can be easily found in the middle of the crowd.ALTERNATE VERSE: WORLD WIDE TASTE FOR LUXURY / Studying abroad, mostly for fun, Sybille ends up being trapped by a local organization after a few mischief committed with gangsters on her side. Forced to repay her debts towards the group, she can no longer have access to her passport nor leave the country. She has no choice but to work as an escort for this group to save herself from that situation.


Ryo - @mugunghwc | client and hostess, getting to know each other, miscommunication, potential ally
⌇sunshine on a cloudy day ( 𝙎𝙮𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚 / 𝙍𝙮𝙤 )
Nezumi - @nezumivc103221 | allied of circumstances, rescued and rescuer, bittersweet feelings
⌇through the richness of your kind heart ( 𝙎𝙮𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚 / 𝙉𝙚𝙯𝙪𝙢𝙞 )
Velkan - @nvrcmplt | fake interest, will of possessiveness, client and hostess dynamic
⌇your hands over my radiant reflection ( 𝙎𝙮𝙗𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚 / 𝙑𝙚𝙡𝙠𝙖𝙣 )



Age: 21 years old
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unexplored
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Hair color: Black
Eyes color: Black
Skin color: Very Fair
Ethnicity: Mixed Caucasian - Asian (Japanese-American)
Height: 157cm (5'2)
Birthday: March 27th
Personality: Curious, hard-working, helpful, awkward, timid, lacking confidence
Attitude: awkward giggles, hides behind her band, pushes her glasses onto her nose, plays with her pen, uniform clothes
Faceclaim: Miss Na from Get Schooled


Born in Osaka to an American father and a Japanese mother, Maggie was named after her American grandmother, but still carries her mother’s legacy with her full name: Maggie Tanaka Sparrow. From a very small age, thanks to her parents' profession (both journalists), she has traveled around the world, discovering many countries and cultures, giving her full inspiration to become one day someone writing about others. When she was fifteen, and thanks to a work opportunity for a global magazine, she moved to the US with her family and followed her high-school years there.As she was educated like an international kid but with a strong Japanese background, she found it very difficult to get herself adjusted to her new life in the US. Bullied because of her height, her features, and because she was a very shy girl with high modesty, she has suffered a lot from this cultural shock. Yet, Maggie had never abandoned her dream of becoming a writer, following the path of her parents, and despite chaotic years in high-school, she graduated and entered a small but competent university. There, she began to bloom as a student in journalism, writing pertinent articles for the university papers to earn a bit of money. However, her capacity to never let go of her objectives and to be hard-working has also attracted bad people in her life. Unaware of the consequences, thanks to a certain Anthony Queen recommendation, she met Ezra Collins (Gambit) and started to help him with journalistic work… Without knowing, she was actually enrolled in a very dark organization.


Maggie truly has two sides to her personality. She’s someone utterly disciplined and hard-working, who’s afraid of failing and who looks up to people’s advice and appreciation most of the time. She carries a profound respect for her family, but also her teachers, professors or bosses, to the point that authority has a deep impact upon her. Yet, despite a profound shyness and quite a lack of confidence when it comes to herself, she knows her values through her writing skills and she often shows more personality whenever she works on a case. Curious, meticulous, she studies hard and profoundly to get the truth and expose it, which leads her to pull night-outs and refuse to party because she wants to finish what she has started.Slightly more open after starting university, Maggie is still quite naive regarding people’s intentions and sometimes doesn’t see their true colors. If she might have a good nose when she targets individuals for a journalist journalism, she’s lacking that self-introspection with new encounters. She wants to believe that people are good in general, having a rather too optimistic vision of life.


MAIN MAFIA VERSE: PAPER OF LIES / Maggie is still a student but she wants to become financially independent. For that, she often works for patrons or give a hand to people requiring her service. That's how she met Gambit (without knowing who he was) and started to investigate for the Cleaners' sake.WORLD WIDE STUDENT VERSE: KANJIS ON MY PAPERBOOK / As an international student, Maggie wants to prove herself as a journalist and loves to travel around in order to achieve her dreams.


To be added



Age: 56 years old
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual / Abstinent
Alignment: True Neutral
Hair color: Grey and black
Eyes color: Crystal Blue
Skin color: Pale
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Italian
Height: 187cm (6'2)
Birthday: May 23rd
Personality: cold, reserved, volatile, stubborn, discrete, patient, greedy
Attitude: long silences, deep sighs, crossing hands behind his back, nodding
Faceclaim: Luck from Coffin Jackson


Born in Bologna, Italy, Santino had never expected to become a religious man. Back in his youth, he was more interested in history, dedicating his life to become a full time teacher. Alas, while he had just achieved his studies, on the road to visit his fiancée’s family in Verone, Santino and his partner had a terrible accident. His fiancée died instantly, while he had fallen into a coma for several weeks. Transported into a Catholic hospital in Bologna, Santino had woken up shattered forever, but surrendered by men and women of God. Slowly, he had devoted himself into a blind faith, abandoning his past project to become a priest himself. By the age of 25, he had become Father Santino Ferone. During the ten first years, he traveled around Italy and Europe, learning different languages and teaching God’s ways wherever he was going. In his thirties, he had the opportunity to leave the European continent.Though, the taste of America was radically different than expected. If at first he was devoted to his cause, he had slowly lost track of his own faith due to the lack of tools and the entirely different culture. Even if he had established himself in an Italian neighborhood, things were drastically different and hard for him to adapt. He found comfort around the Italian community though, creating bonds with the former members of the Lenio Family, who were visiting his church regularly. If he had helped them in the past, his role with the mafia had clearly become more important during the Cleaners era. Driven by a taste for money, he had started to smuggle weapons and other items for them. With the money earned, he had even reorganized the basement of his Church, preaching to his followers during the day and smuggling mass weapons at night.


Severe and reserved, Santino is the true image of an old-school priest, dedicated to God’s command, and nothing else, only in appearance. Profoundly faithful towards his cause, he had never noticed how much he had drifted from his vows with the years. His devotion and ambition had become a deep motivation, pushing him into committing actions he would have condemned during his youth and would condemn for the others. But Santino loves money, rewards and the feeling of accomplishing something. His morals are biased by his eternal quest of finding something greater and bigger, definitely appealed by a certain dark side of his own personality.
Behind the facade of a discrete and devoted man lies the ugly truth regarding his existence; Santino is not a humble man, and he falls for materialistic improvements far too easily. Corruptible without even noticing or accepting it, he’s also quite stubborn. He’s a man capable of living in his own blindness, while guiding the others as if they were lost sheeps. However, he keeps a profound and sincere kindness towards people in a general way. He loves his profession, and has never regretted the path he had chosen. God had a plan for him.


MAIN MAFIA VERSE: DON'T MESS WITH A MISSIONARY MAN / Father Santino Ferone, called "$aint" by the Cleaners, is a smuggler and a business associate. Covering his illegal activies thanks to his relationship with the mob, he helps their cause while earning money for his church and spreading God's words.


To be added




Before the existence of the gang named the Cleaners, almost all of the members were a part of the Lenio Family. The group was priorly focused on money laundering, using casinos and other gambling games as a facade to cover their business and control their rather small territory. The ambitions of the group weren't very big, most of the members just happy with the power they could earn from controlling a few parts of the cities. The group was active around the Italian neighborhood, the head members being immigrants from Sicilia.
The Lenio Family was a rather xenophobic organization, giving importance to the blood affiliation rather real competences and capacities. Greedy, and with a bad management, they were already suffering from internal tensions and betrayals for a few years when Astra joined them. The young man, in his twenties back then, had to repay the numerous debts he was owing to the group, addicted to gambling.



Treated like a dog with money problems, ASTRA felt his resentment growing day after day the more he spent time with the Lenio Family. As he was also a very intelligent man, he noticed the numerous tensions between members, the system of the family being utterly motivated by emotions, pride and petty ambitions but with zero true schemes for the future.
Quite revengeful, deeply hurt by their methods and the way they had treated him for so long, full of ambitions himself, Astra slowly worked and elaborated a plan to get rid of the top commandant and earn the leading spot of the family.
10 years had been necessary for him to stay under the radar, while he was gathering loyal people ready to follow him. In less than three months, numerous assassinates and executions had been performed.
The Cleaners were born.



"If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."Impalpable, unique, subtle. The Cleaners aren't born from legacy but from ambition, a group with no blood affiliation that wishes to be powerful. Their leader is a ghost, hiding his identity, unseen and unknown, while the three commanders are shining the most. Against all kind of drugs, they have banished pills, oil, and white powders out of their territory. Violent, ruthless, they display differents masks to trap their enemies through different methods and leverages, depending on their use for the organization.


The “entrance” to the Cleaners territory can be found through the existence of their well-known and easy to find club: the AMAZON CLUB, directly near the scandalous Red District, a neighborhood downtown famous for its prostitution and other shady activities.
Openly used as a facade to “hide” suspicious activities, the Amazon Club is the place of deal negotiations, meetings and money transactions. The bottom part of the club is a regular bar and club for the general crowd to enjoy their evenings and weekends, while the upper part includes private areas, meeting rooms, offices and a few habitations for escorts in need of a shelter before finding their own apartments.
If the Amazon Club could actually be perceived as the epicenter of the Cleaners’ activities and the place where everything happens, it’s actually a well-thought ambush by Astra and Gambit. The club is only reserved for gangsters and unimportant clients to focus on the top of the iceberg regarding the Cleaners’ activities. Nothing truly happens there, and the important business is negotiated somewhere else.


Behind the shiny business of the Amazon Club, the territory and the power of the Cleaners is mostly impalpable. Astra called it THE NEBULA to illustrate the ambitions of the group and the extent of their capacities. Through intense blackmail, monitoring, brokerage, contracts signatures and assassinations, the Cleaners are like a giant spider web spreading everywhere within the city and inside several businesses. They have a hold on different organizations and businesses, and they hide their names in high and strategic companies, using dangerous leverage to pressure them. They own multiple fake companies and facades to dissolve the information regarding the main activity of their business, or the next actions. The more someone will try to dig into the Nebula, and the more they will drown in fake information regarding the Cleaners while being seen by them.
Through those multiple companies and facades, the Cleaners are maintaining a strong power in the streets, while exposing gangster activities that are not their main function. In the end, groups that are targeted to be either assimilated or destroyed are not aware they are in the radar of the Cleaners.



In charge of everything regarding the finances and the brokerage leads of the Cleaners, Gambit is mastering mostly the financial life of the group, along with a large network to spy on other groups. He's the principal contact behind the money laundering, the police bribering and the urbanism control.


A former mercenary who had entered the mafia as a hitman, Requiem is the most violent individual among the Cleaners. Requiem as a natural charisma to deal with everything dangerous, hence his role in the weapons transactions, the assassinates but also the prostitution control.


The last supposedly living member of the Lenio Family, who wants to eradicate his blood affiliation to the former group. Zodiac deeply hates the methods of his deceased family, and became a valuable asset in the drug control of the group. He's also quite a good hand when it comes to gather sensitive information.



An asset, a toy for cruelty and sadism. Oliver is a part of the Cleaners, whether he wants it or not. In debts with them, trapped by Astra himself, he's an escort/prostitute working in the largest club owned by the group named The Amazon Club. He can only go with clients Astra picks himself.


The Face of the Nebula and the main protagonist in terms of image. He's the scapegoat who has been chosen by the Cleaners to attract the light over their organization and deceive their potential enemies. He's unaware of their true goal or his role, and believes to be an important asset in the organization.


An escort working in the Amazon Club. Sybille is very ambitious and wants to climb the ladder of the Cleaners and becomes someone important for the organization. She craves Requiem's favours and attention mostly, and she will be zealous in her job to earn intel useful for her own success.


A priest who's an important smuggler for the Cleaners. Santino is dedicated to the cause of the Cleaners, and only the Cleaners downtown. He helps the mob storing items, arranging meetings and hiding money or people if need be. He's driven by his need of money to convey God's words.



As a genius in his own field, Vex doesn't belong to any family or criminal organizations. Quite deranged, evil and boderline, he offers his abilities for money, creating devices, torture chambers and anything he would find fun.


A nobody for the gang, an outsider they sometimes see around. Having money issues and a lot of strength for a man, Mika often participates in underground fights in order to gain money. He also accepts from time to time simple jobs from the Cleaners.


A former prostitute for the Lenio Family who earned her freedom thanks to the Cleaners. In need of money to help her ill brother, Leta operates as a spy or an assassin whenever they need someone out of the organization to deal with targets.


A student in journalism who needs to both get a name and earn money. She's totally unaware that she's helping the Cleaners, as she often accepts to work for Gambit. Thanks to her, they learn more about other groups or the police.



Ex-member of the Lenio Family, Zeffy was an undercover agent trying to dismantle the prior group. Frightening by the sudden ascent of Astra, she disappeared before getting murdered. Zeffy isn't an enemy but she's still hunted.


Ex undercover agent for a special unit in Sicilia, Gabriele was rehabilited years later as an investigator specialized in criminal organizations. Dedicated in his task to eradicate Astra, today Gabriele is the main antagonist for the Cleaners.